Install IIS on Windows Server 2008

By default IIS is not installed with Windows Server 2008, so to enable your Windows Server 2008 as a Web Server you will need to install Web Server (IIS) role. To manually install Web Server (IIS) and additional services for Web Server (IIS) please follow below steps using Windows Server Manager and Add Roles Wizard.

Manually Install IIS on Windows Server 2008

  • Click Start >> Administrative Tools >> Server Manager.

Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 : Server Manager

  • Click on Roles >> Add Roles and then select Web Server (IIS).

Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 : Add Roles Wizard

  • After clicking Next button will show a short Introduction to Web Server (IIS) along with a few things to note before proceeding as shown below. Click Next to move on.

Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 : Web Server Introduction

  • Select role services to install for the Web Server (IIS). I have selected Static Content, Default Document, Directory Browsing, HTTP Errors, HTTP Redirection, ASP.NET, .NET Extensibility, ASP, CGI, ISAPI Extensions, ISAPI Filters, HTTP Logging, Request Monitor, Request Filtering, Static Content Compression and IIS Management Console to install initially.

Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 : Select role services for Web Server (IIS)

  • Clicking Next button shows Confirmation Installation Selection window. If every selection done so far is okay then click Install. It will take some time to install Web Server (IIS) and additional services for Web Server (IIS). It might be required to reboot the system after installing the Web Server (IIS).

Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 : Confirmation Installation Selections

  •  If everything goes okay following Installation Results windows is displayed. Click Close to exit the Add Roles Wizard.

Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 : Installation Results

Verifying the Installation of IIS on Windows Server 2008

After installing IIS on Windows Server 2008, open the Web Browser and browse for http://localhost and if it shows below IIS 7 page, congratulations the installation has been completed successfully.

Install IIS on Windows Server 2008 : Verify Installation

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