Create MySQL Database in CPanel

Create MySQL Database in CPanel

  • Login to CPanel
  • Click “MySQL Databases” in Databases section.

Create MySQL Database in CPanel - Step 1

  • Enter database name and then click on”Create Database” button. Your database will be named by CPanel user name followed by underscore sign with the name specified. e.g. example_wordpress, here “example” is my CPanel username and “wordpress” is the database name I entered.

Create MySQL Database in CPanel - Step 2

 The database can be accessed by using either CPanel login credentials or we can create a new user to access the MySQL Database. To create MySQL user follow below steps:

Create MySQL Database User with CPanel

  • Enter Username
  • Enter Password and then retype password. Password strength must be at least 50.
  • Click “Create User” button

Create MySQL User with CPanel


Add MySQL User to MySQL Database

Now, we need to add MySQL user created in previous step to the MySQL database, to grant user access to the database.

  • Select “User” we recently created from the drop down box
  • Select the database from drop down box to grant access to the user

Add MySQL user to MySQL Database

  • Click “Add” button. The following screen will appear.
  • Select the privileges grant to selected user on selected database
  • Click “Make Changes” button

MySQL User privileges with CPanel

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