To host email services for any domain in hMailServer we need to Add  New Domain. Each email account belongs to a hMailServer domain. Below are the step by step guide on Adding a new mail domain to hMailServer.

  • Connect to the hMailServer Administrator
  • Click on “Domains” located in tree view at left hand side. A window as shown below will appear.

hMailServer Domain : General

  • Type the domain name which you want to host in hMailServer.
  • “Enabled” check box must be selected in order to activate email services for this domain. If this is unchecked email services for this domain will be suspended. This is required in circumstances when you want to suspended email services for specific domain.
  • Click “Save” button to save the mail domain and enable other tabs.
That’s all, the hmailserver domain is created. To create a new hmailserver domain only domain name is required and it must be enabled in order to enable email services for the domain. The remaining of the article is to setup up more advanced settings for the domain.

hMailServer Domain : General

hMailServer Domain : Names

  • Here you can create a mail domain alias. Mail domain alias is a term used to identify physically hosted primary domain with another domain i.e. secondary domain. This is required when you want to identify with, similarly each account created under primary domain will be attached to secondary domain as well.
  • To create domain alias click “Add” button. Then enter the secondary domain name and click “OK” button. Refer below image.

hMailServer Domain : Domain Alias

hMailServer Domain : Signatures

Here you can configure hMailServer to add a Signature to all email sent from this domain. You can specify plain text as well as HTML signature.

  • Enabled : Select this check box to enable signature feature for this domain.
    • Use signature if none has been specified in sender’s account : Select this if you want to add domain level signature only if account level signature has not been added.
    • Overwrite account signature : Select this if you want to overwrite account level signature by domain level signature specified here.
    • Append to account signature : Select this if you want to append domain level signature to account level signature. It means both account level as well as domain level signatures will be added to all emails sent from this domain.
  • Add signatures to replies : Select this check box if you want to add domain level signatures to be added to replies as well.
  • Add signatures to local email : Select if you want to add domain level signatures to local email also.
  • Plain text signature : Enter plain text signature here that will be added to all plain text emails sent from this domain.
  • HTML signature : Enter HTML signature here that will be added to all HTML emails sent from this domain.
  • Once you setup all above signature settings, click “Save” button to save the settings.

hMailServer Domain : Signature

hMailServer Domain : Limits

Various domain wide limits can be set here.

  • Maximum size (MB) : If this value is non-zero then hMailServer will not allow to add new email account so that the sum of all email accounts maximum size will not exceed the value specified here.
  • Max message size (KB) : If value specified here is non-zero then hMailServer will reject emails larger than this value.
  • Max size of accounts (MB) : If non-zero than hMailServer will not allow to create accounts with Max size larger than this value.
  • Allocated size (MB) : This grayed text box shows the sum of all accounts max size here.
hMailServer email accounts and domain level maximum size works on allocation basis and not on actual usage basis. For example, if you specify 500 MB of Maximum size then you can not create 6 email accounts with maximum size of 100 MB because it exceeds 500 MB domain wide limit. It means if you create an email account with max size of 100 MB then 100 MB gets allocated to this account even if there is no email in this account.
  • Max number of accounts : If this check box is selected then you can not create email account more than the value specified here. This must not be left zero, otherwise you can not create even a single account.
  • Max number of aliases : If this check box is selected then you can not create email aliases more than the value specified here.  This must not be left zero, otherwise you can not create even a single email alias.
  • Max number of distribution lists : If selected then you can not create email distribution lists more than the value specified here. This must not be left zero, otherwise you can not create even a single email distribution list.

hMailServer Domain : Limits

hMailServer Domain : Advanced

  • Catch-All address : Catch-all account is an email account where all emails sent to non-existed email accounts are sent. Say, if we have three email account created, and then even if somebody sends email to or (misspelled) than it will be sent to this catch-all account. You can also specify external email account or email account belonging to other hMailServer domain here. However to reduce spam attacks on your domain it is recommended to not enable catch-all account.
  • Plus addressing : If enabled and character is selected from drop down box than you can also address as, if addressing character is +.
  • Greylisting : Greylisting is a technique used to reduce spam emails. If selected greylisting will be enabled for this domain. We will have a dedicated article over greylisting.

hMailServer Domain : Advanced

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9 thoughts on “hMailServer Domain

  1. I have read Article throughly. i have understand throughly. i have a question. in hmail server can i create only one domain ? and if it is like that so can i create sub domain ?

    1. hi kunal. in hMailServer you can create unlimited TLDs (top level domains) and sub-domains as you wish. the procedure to create a sub-domain is same as illustrated in this article.

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