Installing WordPress on a Shared Server

WordPress is a very popular blogging software used worldwide by millions of bloggers and website owners. WordPress is known for it’s simplicity and for it’s SEO (Search Engine Optimazation) friendly nature. WordPress can also be used as CMS (Content Management System) to build Websites after a little bit of customization. There are thousands of free themes and plugins available on the web to customize WordPress according to your requirement. The very important plus point of WordPress is that it is a Open Source application, so that you can download it’s source code and customize it’s core functionality according to your need. In this article we are installing WordPress on both Linux and Windows shared web servers.

WordPress Prerequisites

  • PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater
  • The mod_rewrite Apache module or IIS Rewrite module (for Windows Servers)

 Before installing WordPress you should have:

  • Access to your webserver (FTP, SSH, File Manager)
  • Access to your Hosting Control Panel (WebsitePanel, CPanel etc.)
  • A text editor of your choice
  • An FTP client or should have File Manger feature supported by the Web Hosting provider
  • A Web browser of your choice
  • Download latest stable release of WordPress
  • Unzip the downloaded file to your hard disk
  • Create a MySQL database on your hosting server and also create a MySQL user and grant it all privileges to access and modify the database. If you have a WebsitePanel or CPanel provided by your Web Hosting provider then you may refer:
  • Locate “wp-config-sample.php” in extracted contents and make a copy of it and then rename it to “wp-config.php”
  • Edit “wp-config.php” in your favorite text editor (e.g. Notepad++, Notepad, WordPad etc.). Modify below mentioned settings:
    • Replace database_name_here with the name of MySQL database created for WordPress
define('DB_NAME', 'database_name_here');
    • Replace username_here with the MySQL user name having all privileges to access and modify MySQL database
define('DB_USER', 'username_here');
    • Replace password_here with the password of MySQL user
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here');
    • Replace localhost with the IP address or FQDN host name of the MySQL database server. If MySQL server is listening on default TCP port 3306 then you simply need to put the IP address or FQDN of the server.
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

If MySQL server listens on any other custom TCP port (say 3307) then it must be replaced by ip_address:port or fqdn_host:port, here port is the TCP port number on which MySQL server is listening on.

define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:3307');
  • Upload WordPress files to the desired location on your webserver
    • If you want to install WordPress at the root of your domain say, then upload all files to the root of your website (wwwroot for WebsitePanel, and public_html for CPanel users).
    • If you want to install WordPress in a subfolder of your website say, then upload all files to the blog folder created under the root of your website.
  • Now execute WordPress installation script by accessing /wp-admin/install.php in browser.
    • If you installed WordPress at the root of your domain, then open in the browser
    • If you installed WordPress in a subfolder of your website, then open in the browser
  • WordPress installation wizard as shown in Image -1 appear in the browser.
    • Site Title : This will be the title of your blog/website
    • Username : Username of the administrator responsible for managing blog/website
    • Password : Password of Administrative user provided in previous step. If left blank it password will be automatically generated
    • Your E-mail : Administrator’s email address
    • You can deselect “Allow my site to appear in search engines like Google and Technorati” while your blog/website is being under construction and once completed you can enable it later on.
    • Click “Install WordPress” button
Installing WordPress Step - 1
Image – 1
    •  Once installation successfully completes the screen as show in Image – 2 will appear.
Installing WordPress Step - 2
Image – 2

That’s all about installing WordPress on a shared hosting server.

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