Procurement – Inventory accounting in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for FinOps

Procurement is one of the most important business processes in any industry, whether manufacturing, retail, trading, or service. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and SCM supports a very robust procurement process right from Purchase requisitions, Request for quotations (RFQ), Entering RFQ replies, RFQ comparison.

In this blog post, we will go through the following points. The focus of the post is basically from the accounting and financial perspective.

  • Create an Item group
  • Create main accounts which will be used for setting up Inventory posting profile and Vendor posting profile.
  • Setup Inventory posting profile for Purchase order transactions
  • Procurement of stocked product
    • Creating a stocked product
    • Generate a Purchase order
    • Post product receipt
    • Analyze accounting impact of Product receipt
    • Post purchase invoice
    • Analyze accounting impact of Purchase invoice
  • Procurement of non-stocked product
    • Creating a non-stocked product
    • Generate a Purchase order for non-stocked product
    • Post product receipt
    • Analyze accounting impact of Product receipt
    • Post purchase invoice
    • Analyze accounting impact of Purchase invoice

Create Item group

Create an Item group called RM – Raw materials. Find more details on creating an Item group.

Create Main accounts

Create the following set of main accounts and keep Do not allow manual entry selected to avoid manual entry General journal posting into the main accounts.

Main accountNameMain account typeDo not allow manual entry
191001Raw material inventoryAssetYes
450001Purchase expenditure, un-invoicedExpenseYes
260001Raw material accrued liabilityLiabilityYes
450002Raw material purchase expenditureExpenseYes
460001Raw material purchase expensesExpenseYes
List of main accounts

Posting profile for Purchase order transactions

  1. Navigate to Cost management >> Ledger integration policies setup >> Posting or Inventory management >> Setup >> Posting >> Posting to define inventory posting profile for Purchase order transactions for item group RM – Raw material
  2. Click Purchase order tab
  3. Select Cost of purchased materials received from the left pane and then click the New button.
  4. Select Group in Item code, RM in Item relations and 191001 in Main account field. “Cost of purchased materials received” posting type is used when Product receipt on the Purchase order is posted.
  5. From the left pane select “Cost of purchased materials invoiced” and click New button.
  6. Select Group in Item code, RM in Item relations and 191001 in Main account field. “Cost of purchased materials invoiced” posting type is used when the Purchase invoice is posted.
  7. Similarly define Main account 450001 for posting type “Purchase expenditure, un-invoiced“, main account 260001 for posting type “Purchase, accrual“, account 450002 for posting type “Purchase expenditure for product” and 460001 for posting type “Purchase expenditure for expense

Once the entire posting profile for the Purchase order is completed it will look like the following screenshot and as shown in the table below.

Posting typeMain accountAccount name
Cost of purchased materials received191001Raw material inventory
Purchase expenditure, un-invoiced450001Purchase expenditure, un-invoiced
Purchase, accrual260001Raw material accrued liability
Purchase expenditure for product450002Raw material purchase expenditure
Cost of purchased materials invoiced191001Raw material inventory
Purchase expenditure for expense460001Raw material purchase expenses
Table – Item posting profile for Purchase order
Item posting profile for Purchase order
Item posting profile for Purchase order

You can now determine which posting types are used for posting to each main account from the above table. Setup Posting type validation for each main account for posting types as listed in the above table e.g. setup “Cost of purchased materials received” and “Cost of purchased materials invoiced” as valid posting source on main account 191001-Raw material inventory.

Procurement of Stocked product

Released item definitions

Create two new released products GT-RM-01 and GT-RM-02 with the following setups.

Item typeItem
Product subtypeProduct
Item groupRM
Production typeNone
Item definition – Stocked product

Item model group definition

Stocked productYes
Inventory modelFIFO, LIFO, LIFO date, Weighted avg. or Weighted avg. date
Include physical valueYes
Post physical inventoryYes
Post financial inventoryYes
Financial negative inventoryYes
Physical negative inventoryNo
Item model groups definition – Stocked product

Storage dimension group definition

Dimensions activeSite, Warehouse, and Location
Physical inventory trackingSite, Warehouse, and Location
Financial inventory trackingSite
Storage dimension group definition – Stocked product

Tracking dimension group definition

Batch numberNo
Serial numberNo
Tracking dimension group definition – Stocked product

Purchase order creation

Create a Purchase order as per the following data:

Item numberQuantityUnit priceDiscountDiscount %Net amount
GT-RM-0110                                                     10.0000           100.00
Purchase order line – Stocked product

Product receipt voucher

Post a Product receipt for quantities as mentioned in the below table. The Product receipt vouchers are posted only if Post physical inventory and Post product receipt in ledger parameters are enabled on Item model group definition and Accounts payable parameters respectively.

Item numberQuantityUnit priceDiscountDiscount %Net amount
GT-RM-0110                                                     10.0000           100.00
Purchase order line – Stocked product

Now let’s analyze the following accounting vouchers posted for the Product receipt. When Product receipt is posted in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM, the system generates two accounting vouchers below for India and China Localization (This might be happening for other countries).

Voucher#Posting typeAccountDebitCredit
Receipt costing voucherCost of purchased materials received191001280 
Receipt costing voucherPurchase expenditure, un-invoiced450001 280
Product receipt voucherPurchase expenditure, un-invoiced450001280 
Product receipt voucherPurchase, accrual260001 280
Product receipt vouchers – India, China localization – Stocked product

However, when we see the Product receipt vouchers for US, Japan, Australia localization, it generates only two lines as per below, though the net accounting impact remains the same that is “Debit Inventory account with provisional cost and Credit the accrued liability account.

Readers who worked for other localizations can share the set of vouchers posted at the time of Product receipt in the comment section.

Voucher#Posting typeAccountDebitCredit
Product receipt voucherCost of purchased materials received191001280 
Product receipt voucherPurchase, accrual260001 280
Product receipt vouchers – US, Japan, Australia Localization – Stocked product

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 FInance and Operations only estimated (provisional) inventory is posted and estimated (provisional) liability is accrued, which will be reversed with actual cost available while booking Purchase invoice against the Product receipt which means the Product receipt vouchers are reversed at the time when Purchase invoice is posted and actual inventory and liability get accounted with the amount available on the Purchase invoice document. This means that in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance the inventory costing event for Purchase is the Purchase invoice and not the Product receipt (except for Invent model Moving average and Standard cost)

Purchase invoice voucher

Post a Purchase invoice for the Product receipt posted in the previous step without changing Unit price, discounts or adding any other charges at the invoice level.

Item numberQuantityUnit priceDiscountDiscount %Net amount
GT-RM-0110                                                     10.0000           100.00
Purchase order line – Stocked product

At the time of invoicing also, two vouchers are posted.

Line #Voucher#Posting typeAccountDebitCredit
1Invoice voucherPurchase expenditure, un-invoiced450001 280
2Invoice voucherPurchase, accrual260001280 
3Invoice voucherPurchase expenditure for product450002280 
4Invoice voucherVendor balance 280
5Invoice costing voucherCost of purchased materials received191001 280
6Invoice costing voucherPurchase expenditure, un-invoiced450001280 
7Invoice costing voucherCost of purchased materials invoiced191001280 
8Invoice costing voucherPurchase expenditure for product450002 280
Purchase invoice voucher – India Localization – Stocked product

Invoice voucher consists of the following accounting impact:

  • Reversal of Product receipt voucher (Line #1 and #2) which was posted during the Product receipt.
  • Vendor liability account (taken from Vendor posting profiles) is credited by net invoice amount
  • If there is no additional costs other than the Line amount on Purchase invoice which is inventorized then the Net amount is Debited to the “Purchase expenditure for product” account from Item posting profile.

The invoice costing voucher consists of the following impacts:

  • Reversal of the Receipt costing voucher (Line #5 and #6) in following table. posted during the Product receipt voucher.
  • The “Purchase expenditure for product” account which was credited during the Invoice voucher (Line #3) gets credited by the same amount (Line #8).
  • The “Cost of purchased materials invoiced” also know as actual financial inventory cost is debited by the same amount which is credited to the “Purchase expenditure for product” account (Line #7).
  • Here the “Purchase expenditure for product” account is used to transfer the cost of materials debited in Invoice voucher to the “Cost of purchased materials invoiced”.

The net accounting impact of the Purchase invoice voucher is debit to the financial inventory account (Cost of purchased materials invoiced) and credit to the Vendor account (Vendor balance).

If you see the “Purchase expenditure for product” account getting knocked off during the Purchase invoice itself, this is not always the case. For item models having Invent model weighted average, Weighted average date

Procurement – Expense products

Released product definition for expensed product

Create a new released product GT-RM-Exp-01 with the following setups.

Item typeItem or Service
Product subtypeProduct
Item groupRM
Production typeNone
Item definition- Expensed products

Item model group definition for expensed product

Stocked productNo
Inventory modelNot applicable
Include physical valueNot applicable
Post physical inventoryNot applicable
Post financial inventoryNot applicable
Financial negative inventoryYes. Disabled and selected by default
Physical negative inventoryNo. Disabled and selected by default.
Accrue liability on product receiptYes
Item model groups definition – Expensed products

Tracking dimension definitions for expensed product

Dimensions activeSite, Warehouse
Physical inventory trackingSite, Warehouse
Financial inventory trackingSite
Storage dimension group definition – Expensed products

Tracking dimension definition for expensed products

Batch numberNo
Serial numberNo
Tracking dimension group definition – Expensed products

Create a Purchase order as per the following data:

Item numberQuantityUnit priceDiscountDiscount %Net amount
GT-RM-Exp-0110                                                     100.00001000.00
Purchase order line – Expensed products

Product receipt voucher for expensed Products

Post a Product receipt for quantities as mentioned in the below table. The Product receipt vouchers are posted only if the “Accrue liability on product receipt” parameter is enabled on the Item model group. The “Accrue liability on product receipt” parameter on Item model groups form empower us to do accrual accounting in case of not stocked products also, which is required by most of the accounting standards.

Item numberQuantityUnit priceDiscountDiscount %Net amount
GT-RM-Exp-0110                                                     100.00001000.00
Purchase order line – Expensed products

Now let’s analyze the following accounting vouchers posted for the Product receipt. When Product receipt is posted in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and SCM, the system generates an accounting voucher as per below.

The “Purchase expenditure, un-invoiced” gets debited by the sum of the Line net amount and the entry is offset by “Purchase, accrual” account on the credit side.

Line #Voucher#Posting typeAccountDebitCredit
1Product receipt voucherPurchase expenditure, un-invoiced4500011000 
2Product receipt voucherPurchase, accrual260001 1000
Product receipt vouchers – Expensed products

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 FInance and Operations only estimated (provisional) expense is posted and estimated (provisional) liability is accrued, which will be reversed with actual cost available while booking Purchase invoice against the Product receipt which means the Product receipt vouchers are reversed at the time of purchase invoice and actual expenses and liability gets accounted with the amount available on the Purchase invoice document.

Purchase invoice voucher for expensed products

Post a Purchase invoice for the Product receipt posted in the previous step without changing Unit price, discounts or adding any other charges at the invoice level.

Item numberQuantityUnit priceDiscountDiscount %Net amount
GT-RM-Exp-0110                                                     100.00001000.00
Purchase invoice line – Expensed products

At the time of invoicing also, two vouchers are posted.

Line #Voucher#Posting typeAccountDebitCredit
1Invoice voucherPurchase expenditure, un-invoiced450001 1000
2Invoice voucherPurchase, accrual2600011000 
3Invoice voucherPurchase expenditure for expense4600011000 
4Invoice voucherVendor balance 1000
Purchase invoice voucher – Expensed products

When there is a price difference in terms of either unit price or discount or maybe through actual charges accounted at the time of Invoicing then the actual expense and vendor liability may arise with revised costs available in the Purchase invoice document. Let’s assume if the variance is due to the Unit price on the Purchase invoice document then the accounting entry for the Purchase invoice looks like below:

Item numberQuantityUnit priceDiscountDiscount %Net amount
GT-RM-Exp-0110                                                     125.00001250.00
Purchase invoice line – With unit price variance – Expensed products

Line #Voucher#Posting typeAccountDebitCredit
1Invoice voucherPurchase expenditure, un-invoiced450001 1000
2Invoice voucherPurchase, accrual2600011000 
3Invoice voucherPurchase expenditure for expense4600011250 
4Invoice voucherVendor balance 1250
Purchase invoice voucher – With unit price variance – Expensed products

Invoice voucher consists of the following accounting impact:

  • Reversal of Product receipt voucher (Line #1 and #2) which was posted during the Product receipt.
  • Vendor liability account (taken from Vendor posting profiles) is credited by net invoice amount
  • If there is no additional costs other than the Line amount on Purchase invoice which is inventorized then the Net amount is Debited to the “Purchase expenditure for expense” account from Item posting profile.
  • Since the items are non-stocked the invoice costing voucher is not posted in such cases.
Video version of Procurement and accounting impact

Please share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section.

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4 thoughts on “Procurement – Inventory accounting in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for FinOps

  1. Hi Gopal,
    Great piece of work on this.

    I wanted to clarify what you mean by “If you see the “Purchase expenditure for product” account getting knocked off during the Purchase invoice itself, this is not always the case”. What do you mean by knocked off?

    Based on what MS document mentions, this posting profile should be used only for Std costed items (via the item model group), however my client is experiencing this posting on Weighted average date. Do you have any MS docs on this that would point me in the right direction? I have been looking myself with not much luck.



    1. Hi Bhavin,

      Thank you for reading and sharing your feedback!!

      “Purchase expenditure for product” posting type is always used irrespective of Inventory model defined on Item model group. You couldn’t find the MS doc reference because it is no where. I am just wondering which MS document mentions that the posting type “Purchase expenditure for product” is only used for Inventory model = Standard.

  2. This is the great post, really helpful.
    I am looking for solution to allow Purchase order with line item with 0 price. Currently system do not allow 0 price line item
    if you could guide me through.

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