Configure email account on Android

Configure email account on Android

You will have to collect Information required for configuring email account from your hosting/email service provider.

Here we are going to configure Email app that comes with Android 2.x.

Go to Application list by tapping App Icon from Home screen

Enter your Email address and password then tap “Manual set-up” button

Choose what type of account you would like to setup. There are three options: POP3 account, IMAP account, Exchange account.

POP3 account  configuration:

  • Tap “POP3 account” button while prompted to choose the type of account.
  • Type the Username of your mailbox i.e. your email id
  • Type Password of your mailbox
  • Type host address of your POP3 server i.e. Incoming (POP3) server address
  • Type POP3 port default is 110. Change if your incoming server is listening on custom TCP port number.
  • Select “Security type” your incoming server is supporting.
  • Select “Delete Email from server” there are two options:

Never : This means it will never delete email from the server

When I deleted from Inbox : This means it will delete email from server when you delete it from your mobile’s Inbox

  • Tap “Next” button. It will verify your incoming server settings, if any thing is wrong here it will not move forward
  • Type SMTP server host address i.e. Outgoing server (SMTP) host address.
  • Type SMTP Port default is 25. Change if your outgoing mail server is listening on custom TCP port.
  • Choose Security type as suggested by your hosting/email service provider.
  • Select “Require sign-in” if your Outgoing server requires authentication before sending email
  • Type your Username i.e. your email address
  • Type your Password in most cases it will be same as your mailbox password if you are using SMTP service provided by your email service provider other wise it will be provided by your third party SMTP service provider.
  • Tap “Next”. It will check outgoing server settings
  • Select Email check frequency
  • Select “Send Email from this account by default” if you want to set this account as default for all outgoing emails if you have configure multiple email accounts
  • Select “Notify me when Email arrives”
  • Provide account name to identify it if there are multiple email accounts configured e.g. Home, Office etc.
  • Provide your name which will be sent along with your email address as a display name.
  • Tap “Done” and that’s all about configuring POP3 email account on Android in it’s inbuilt Email client.

IMAP account configuration

  • Type Username i.e. your email address
  • Type Password of your mailbox
  • Type IMAP server’s host address
  • Type IMAP port. Default is 143, change if your IMAP server is listening on custom TCP port
  • Select Security type
  • Type IMAP parth prefix if any as provided by your email service provider.
  • Tap “Next” button. It will check incoming server settings.
  • Type SMTP server host address i.e. Outgoing server (SMTP) host address.
  • Type SMTP Port default is 25. Change if your outgoing mail server is listening on custom TCP port.
  • Choose Security type as suggested by your hosting/email service provider.
  • Select “Require sign-in” if your Outgoing server requires authentication before sending email
  • Type your Username i.e. your email address
  • Type your Password in most cases it will be same as your mailbox password if you are using SMTP service provided by your email service provider other wise it will be provided by your third party SMTP service provider.
  • Tap “Next”. It will check outgoing server settings
  • Select Email check frequency
  • Select “Send Email from this account by default” if you want to set this account as default for all outgoing emails if you have configure multiple email accounts
  • Select “Notify me when Email arrives”
  • Provide account name to identify it if there are multiple email accounts configured e.g. Home, Office etc.
  • Provide your name which will be sent along with your email address as a display name.
  • Tap “Done” and that’s all about configuring POP3 email account on Android in it’s inbuilt Email client.


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